Thursday, August 06, 2009

Off bright and early this morning for a Thallium Stress Test – a follow-up to one that I had done a few years ago. Looking for signs of improvement, I suppose.

This is an interesting test, as you are injected with some sort of radioactive dye, yet gain absolutely no powers similar to those of The Incredible Hulk, or Batman. Technically, Batman isn’t well-known for having special powers in the comic universe, but he’s the one that sprang to mind at this early hour.

The “stress” part of the test is supposed to be running on a treadmill for a few minutes, but that’s a breeze compared to the omissions I have had to make the past couple of days – no caffeine, and no chocolate. Isn’t there some sort of human rights violations in these cases?

I’ve also been fasting since midnight, so I just don’t have the energy to put up much of a fuss. It’ll be all I can do to program my VCR before we leave the house…

Chow for now!

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