Friday, August 07, 2009

08 07 09…not quite 07 08 09, but pretty close…

I hear that some Aerosmith concerts in Canada are unlikely to go ahead, with the recent stage accident that hobbled singer Steven Tyler. Already, the Winnipeg show has been torpedoed, and there are question marks about the Saskatchewan shows. The newspaper here suggests the whole tour could be mothballed.

Not that I find that amusing in any way – we had initially wanted to catch the tour when it rolled through Calgary. But, I wrote a newspaper column of my own a few weeks back, poking fun at how Aerosmith were notorious (back in their heyday in the 70’s) for cancelling shows, ESPECIALLY in Winnipeg. Times change? Apparently not.

So, now with my new-found Nostradamus-like powers of precognition, I will divert my attention from aging rockers, to the third race at Belmont later today. How does “Foul Wind” sound? Sounds like a winner to me!!

Chow for now!

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