Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The irony is not lost on me – despite having a chance earlier in the year to switch to a Mac computer, and now having extended my reliance on Windows by snapping up a netbook laptop – I must post these blogs on a Safari web browser. It’s like Mac and Apple are the only kind souls on the digital planet, “nice folks”, and yet I still insist on choosing to go out with the troubled “bad boys” of the computer world.


 At any rate, the newest version of Explorer, the Windows- based web browser offered by Microsoft seems to not allow me to copy and paste from Word docs anymore, which is how these postings are born. And that’s only because:

a)      I often forgot to use the Spell-Check feature on Blogger, in my haste to post, and found myself making even less sense than I do now, and

b)      Blogger used to crash or freeze during my posts, probably because they are a competitor to Microsoft. So on the odd occasion where I wrote a blog that was worthy of some sort of global digital media award, it would disappear into the electronic abyss, never to be seen again. I was starting to get a sloped forehead, from all the banging of that part of my noggin on the wall beside my desk.

 At any rate, in order to continue writing these posts in advance on Word, then copying and pasting to the web, I have to use a Mac browser.

 Just a little dagger in my heart, every time I think or what could have been…

 Or may yet be???

Chow for now!!


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy7:40 AM

    Ah, living with the choices we make in life, huh?!

    Hey, can I ski down your forehead?

  2. I'll give ya a ski hill, ya knucklehead!!
