Monday, May 25, 2009

I am pleased to report that despite a small threat of rain yesterday, our weekend here in the Such Is Life household was primarily spent enjoying the Great Outdoors (albeit only as far as our own back yard…).

 Yessir, we ate outside, read the newspaper outside, played cards outside, and even avoided household chickens – all the while outside. It was a great weekend.

 Although, I still managed to get haunted by the number 11 during the past 48 hours – in entirely unrelated settings. Both indoors and outdoors.

 Saturday night, we were watching the Steve Carell remake of “Get Smart”, and ran out of gas, likely due to too much fresh air from our time spent outdoors. We stopped the show on our PVR, but when we took it back up again Sunday, we discovered that we had stopped it at EXACTLY 1:11!! Aye Caramba!

We then decided to talk a little walk (outside – it’s better than circling our living room repeatedly), and we were walking down a little side street in our neighbourhood when I felt an urge to turn around at loo at the house we were walking past – it was street address #111!!  Vaya Con Dios!

Finally, we got back home and settled in for the night, and decided to order a pay-per-view movie – Mickey Rourke’s “The Wrestler” (excellent flick, by the way…). Which turned out to be loaded with 11’s – the unit of his manager’s home is number 11, and his daughter lives at #29 – which adds up to 11.

Numbers 11, 111, and 1111 – hear me now – leave us alone, or reveal why in the name of sweet potato pie you are stalking me.

I am not crazy…

I am not crazy…

I am not crazy…

I am not crazy…

I am not crazy…

I am not crazy…

I am not crazy…

I am not crazy…

I am not crazy…

I am not crazy…

I am not crazy…

Oh crap – I did that eleven times….

Oy...Chow for now…

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