Thursday, May 07, 2009

I am into my second week of viewing my Facebook page more than once a year – it seems to be working out.

Then again, if you consider checking continually for new comments an improvement, I guess that’s what I’ve got going on.

On the Windows Vista front, things had started to settle down a bit, but lately I’m back to the same crapola I’ve come to expect from Vista. Just typing this post moments ago, the wireless keyboard and mouse that have been installed for over a year now befuddled Vista, and everything froze. It’s like Vista has a death wish. I’m one baseball bat away from converting Vista to pasta.

The other bit of fun that has consistently plagued or entertained me is the delightful aspect of Vista failing to recognize drivers. It seems to have to reinstall drivers vital to operation over and over again, even if I’ve loaded the software from a disc. You could say that Vista is a few microchips short of a picnic, but even that might be giving it too much credit.

I know what you’re thinking – That Dan Guy, why didn’t you switch over to Apple when you had the chance? Well, a) clearly I have latent masochistic tendencies, and b) I am a few microchips short of a picnic myself.

Oh well – Vista almost works 90% of the time, in a way that borders somewhere between migraine-inducing uselessness, and barely capable. Things could be worse, right?

Happy Happy Happy…

Chow for now!

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