Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter, to anyone out there celebrating or observing this day.

Hey, speaking of Easter, I was quite surprised to take just a brief surf of The Google, and find literally pages and pages of recipes for roast rabbit. Wow – who knew? If Peter Cottontail comes hopping down YOUR bunny trail, and you haven’t picked up a ham or turkey for tonight, consider inviting the little feller in…

We’ve enjoyed a relaxing holiday weekend, here in the Such Is Life household. I don’t think we’ve even been outside since Thursday – although I do pop my head out every morning to grab my daily newspaper. The snow (and this year’s glacial ice field along our sidewalk) seems to be pretty much gone now – but seeing as how this is Canada, we can never truly retire our snow shovel for the year until mid-August.

Which reminds me - I really need to remember to pick up a new shovel for Mrs. That Dan Guy before next winter…

Speaking of MTDG, she’s in pretty good “spirits” this morning. When she woke up, she stumbled across some Easter eggs – some Easter eggs that a certain crazy chicken had laced with bourbon!! Right now she’s downstairs, singing show tunes, and chatting with an egg whisk.

The further away I stay, the safer I feel…

Chow for now!!


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy8:58 AM

    You know between the chickens and the human in this house,the bourbon is a welcome sight!

    Rabbits, take my advice,KEEP MOVING!

  2. Anonymous12:38 PM

    maybe a rabbit pen in the back yard?

  3. col sanders8:55 PM


  4. charlie chicken9:55 AM

    Horses and feathers?? What are you, a Marx brother??

  5. MTDG - welcome our furry little friends!!

  6. A rabbit pen! No thanks - we've done that before...
