Saturday, April 11, 2009

Chicken Scratch

Yo, humany peeples!!! Ole Charlie’s runnin’ a lil late today, cause he hadda fill some Easter eggs with bourbon – THAT oughta keep things quiet aroun’ here Sunday mornin’!!

Hey, today is the cluckin’ 11th! I betcha ole Banjo Boy must be freakin’ out somewhere here…


So, the other day we hadda bit of a false alarm around what some people refer to as the Such Is Life household. I was feelin’ a bit faint, and decided to have myself a laydown, right in the middla my tracks. Well, nutty Hen Rietta comes along, and thinks I has done gone and left this mortal coil – she drapes a sheet over me, and announces that she now owns my Xbox 360 – which lemme tell ya – jolted me right outta my stupor!!


Although, I kinda freaked out, because she had draped that pluckin’ sheet over me, and I couldn’t see nuttin’ – not even the enda my beak!!

She scattered pretty quickly once I started feelin’ my way around in the dark with a sheet over my head – what a chicken!!


Anyways, not to fear – ole Charlie is as robust as ever, and now I gotta go hide these cluckin’ Easter eggs.

Although, they do smell awful good…

Cluck for now!!


  1. bourbon hmmm....
    what time dose this hunt start?

  2. charlie chicken8:53 AM

    too late - Lady Banjo beat ya to the punch!!

  3. bourbon punch?

  4. charlie chicken9:56 AM

    Like soup for my soul...
