Friday, March 06, 2009

There are days where I just have to wonder:

How is a person supposed to fill the time between now and “National Squirrel Month”?

Often, it just can’t be done…

On that note, here’s what is pressing and top of mind this morning:

* I read in the paper today that actor Vince Vaughn is apparently engaged to a lady from Calgary. As they used to say back when newspapers still existed: “STOP THE PRESSES!!”

* We had a weird melt-off the past few days (thank you, Chinook!), before temperatures plunged again. This phenomenon created a bit of a glacier on our front sidewalk, which we are responsible for clearing. I’ve had to don my Mountain Man gear, to chip it down to size, then applied salt to try and melt away what was left. Funny, you’d think pepper might work, but all it does is look like scrambled eggs if you use that ineffective seasoning..

* Penguins are flightless birds. But not all birds are flightless penguins. This puzzles me…

* The Calgary Flames will win the Stanley Cup this year, and sweep all the available awards. You heard it here first, folks. Just call me Kreskin.

* I often use soup spoons for eating cereal. What must Emily Post be thinking??

* I often use cereal bowls for eating salad. What must Martha Stewart be thinking?

* I often eat an apple a day, and yes, it has kept the doctor away. There is a fundraiser for his clinic this weekend…

Chow for now!!


  1. Anonymous11:22 AM

    whooo..only 7 to wait

  2. We do love our "National Squirrel Month"...
