Thursday, March 05, 2009

One of those mornings…

I always try and get these postings scribbled and posted promptly every morning, but every once in a while, there are forces outside of my control that conspire to thwart my efforts.

In no particular order, those forces would be:

1) My own lack of preparation – failing to have even the faintest clue of what to talk about after the computer boots up.

2) Windows – Vista specifically. Even though I have to admit this bucket of bolts is running rather well-behaved lately (and I opted to postpone my switch-over to a Mac), there are still mornings where my patience is a-tested. If only, like the scarecrow in “The Wizard Of Oz”, I had the patience to deal with that…

3) Program updates that download just as I am trying to post my blog – this happens more often than you might think, and often these updates require a system reboot. It takes (on average) five minutes for this Windows-based OS to go through all the start-up functions, before I can use it. And even that is extended by a couple more minutes, as I reset all the functions that didn’t load properly in the first place. Yes, I’m a fan!!

4) System update – which is happening right now, and which will require a restart once done. Previously, it would just go ahead and restart with no warning, which I can tell you was a delightful experience, mid-blog. Windows failed to save any of those documents at the time, so I was often left with a big smile on my face, but curse words in my heart.

5) A runny nose – hey, post nasal drip is just a fact of life, here in frost-bitten Canada…

Chow for now!


  1. Anonymous6:37 PM

    frostbitten canada?calgary home of the midnight shanook where you can tan shirtlessaftre one of these phenoms

  2. Hey, we can get pretty frostbitten here!

    It was +5 C just the other day!!
