Thursday, March 19, 2009

If there is one consistency in our lives, here in the Such Is Life household, it is that following a vacation either myself or Mrs. That Dan Guy will get a brutal cold. This time around, it was myself. Starting off as a dry cough on the last day of our holidays, it became obvious that I wasn’t allergic to poker chips by the time we got on the plane home. By yesterday, my chest had become congested, and my nose was running like a Kenyan marathoner.

Now, unlike MTDG when she gets sick, I am a pillar of strength when stricken with ill health. I remain upbeat and positive, knowing that this bug will just have to pass through in its own time, whilst I bravely fight off the unpleasant effects. I did pruently cancel a few obligations for yesterday and today, so as not to test any other pillars out in the community...

Of course, I have also (simply as a defensive measure to keep MTDG happy) undertaken a minor self-treatment regimen, which includes (but is hardly limited to) the manufacturer’s recommended three-day dosage of COLD-FX, Benylin All-In-One Cold & Flu Medication, Neo-Citron Lemon Mix, Tylenol, Midol, whiskey, jelly beans, and liberal eye of newt, whenever I pass through the kitchen.

I know what you’re thinking – this guy is a rock, how does he do it?

I have a deep well of inner strength to draw from. And flannel pyjamas to crawl back into bed in…

Chow for now!!


  1. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Wrong! That's not what I was thinking...
    More like: Stubborn, pig-headed! Mr That Dan Guy wont just sit and rest! And, he shouts out the word "immunity" while doing something he knows I would normally give him a "what for" for! But, knowing he is sick, and claiming random "immunity", he knows I feel more sorry for him then anything, so "immunity" wins...ONLY in the Such As Life Household!

  2. Anonymous11:29 AM

    For the record a certain sibling of yours can be quoted on the record as saying that they are "SO F***ING JEALOUS" of you and your adventures with Aaron Neville.

  3. Anonymous5:39 PM

    oh what the rest of us would give to have your strength and pillarness

  4. Anonymous5:40 PM

    try chicken soup

  5. MTDG - I loves me my immunity!!

  6. Anonymouse (I should have signed in as Cat Dan Guy) - which one?


  7. Anonymous - if only I could bottle that - "Pillar To Go"!!!

  8. Anonymous6:16 AM

    Col. Sanders,

    How about a Kentucky Fried Colonel, ya goateed carnivore!!
