Friday, March 20, 2009

I am pleased to report that after just three days, thanks in no small part to my iron will and superhuman constitution, I have pretty much licked this cold/flu bug. Oh sure, I still have a few minor lingering side effects, like tightness in my chest, a raspy cough, phlegm build-up that sounds gross whenever I cough, post nasal drip that isn’t always caught on time, and as of this morning, soreness in my lower back. Buy hey, other than that, I have sent that holiday cold packin’!!

Happily, Mrs. That Dan Guy hasn’t caught it (yet). I’ve had to keep her at arm’s length through this test of my inner strength – she’s got a Florence Nightingale complex, and still believes that I’m sick. Bah Humbug!!

I strong, like bull!!

Chow for now…


  1. Anonymous6:24 AM

    Ok, whatever you say wheezie!

    PS The reason I havent caught it yet is MY steely resolve!

  2. Anonymous10:09 PM

    strong like bull,pillar of strength, iron will,where do i get the action figure?

  3. Is that like lunkheadedness??

  4. Action Dan Guy - hey, now THERE'S sopmething that might sell like hot cakes...

  5. Anonymous10:31 PM

    mabe with your own minion sidekick(florance perhaps)

  6. Action Dan Guy, goes with The Flo...

    Has a bit of a ring to it...
