Friday, December 12, 2008


12 12 08!

Two twelves, side by side, starting out the day together. What sort of trouble will those little rascals get into???

We are supposed to become gripped in the icy chill of a typical Canadian winter starting today. Temperatures of -17ÂșC and even lower, which is much like the shady side of the moon. Even penguins wear their parkas when it gets this cold outside.

So far, we’ve had nominal snowfall, and relatively mild temperatures up until this part of our winter season. Well, mild for hardy Canadians – toughened by a love for ice hockey and strong beer. In the Such Is Life household, we’re toughened more by a love for pretzels, and ice cappuccinos.

The clock is counting down to our winter holiday – we will depart the frostbitten vistas of our snow-covered land, and head towards friendlier climes. Hey, we may choose to live here, but nobody said we had to stick around when the thermometer plunges!! That’s why God invented airplanes, Mrs. That Dan Guy always says…

Chow for now!!

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