Saturday, December 13, 2008

Chicken Scratch

Howdy, humans!

The chickens are just decoratin’ the ole coop – ta get inta the Xmas spirit. The big day is comin’, so it was high time we got our act together.


Not that the little cluckers are all that useful. Unless you include eatin ‘tinsel and chewin’ on ornaments as participatin’…

As for Hen Rietta, well, if ya happen to be a Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue judge, for the love of Pete, tell ‘er she ain’t got a chance, and mebbe we can all get on with our lives here!!


What a dingbat!!

As for ole Cornelius, well…what can I say? Ya run into too much chicken fencin’ as a young chick, and yer head gets a bit scrambled. Ya gotta love him, but he’s just a big galoot.

So, as ya musta surmised, I’M the decoratin’ committee, tryin’ to herd these wayward poultry-pinfeathers inta some semblance a organized decoratin’. Give me strength...

That’s just one of the reasons The Great Chicken invented Scotch…


Deck the halls with balls of corn feed, Fa-La-La-La-La, La-La-La-LAH!!!!!”

Oh well, as long as we’re havin’ a good time – there are still quite a few days before Santa comes, and flies over what could look like an explosion at the pine tree forest.

Hopefully we can get this crap under control, before I start addin’ vodka to the mix…


Cluck for now!!

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