Sunday, June 29, 2008

The crack of noon. Daylight is just breaking across the sky, and we are slowly coming to life here in the Such Is Life household.

We opted to take a laaaaate flight out of Vegas last night, which we somehow failed to link with an early morning arrival, back here at home. By the beard of Zeus, we are sluggish this morning!!

As amazing as our recent travels turned out to be, it is always nice to get back home, and hear that familiar deep snore in its natural environment. Man, Mrs. That Dan Guy was tired!

Chow for now!!


  1. Anonymous10:59 AM

    It's interesting when a man hears his own voice isn't it?

  2. Folks, this lady makes noises like bad plumbing in an apartment building when she sleeps.

    Any cartoon you will ever see of Homer Simpson or Fred Flintstone deep in slumber pales in comparison...
