Monday, June 30, 2008

Back To Normal…

Well, our travels have officially concluded after this past weekend’s return to home base. It was exhausting, it was hot, but it was wonderful.

Now, things begin to return to what is considered normal here in the Such Is Life household. Mrs. That Dan Guy is getting ready for work, as am I. Per my typical daily routine, I don a housecoat over my pyjamas, and make the commute to my office here, where I will spend a couple of hours (at the most) on actual writing efforts. I will fit those efforts between frequent and impulsive visits to Facebook, e-Bay, and Ultimate And that’s only if there’s nothing compelling on The Ellen DeGeneres Show.

I’m thrilled to report that our Barry Manilow “Music & Passion” glow-sticks made the trip back home safe and sound. We were a little worried, after packing them up in our checked luggage. I had visions of fluorescent fluids exploding over our well-travelled clothing. Turned out to be a non-issue.

Hey, before I quit mentioning Mr. Manilow, are you aware that he’s hard at work on a “best-of” The Eighties album? He’s done the 40’s, the 50’s, the 60’s, and the 70’s. Now, he’s tickling the ivories of classic songs like Journey’s “Open Arms”, which he previewed for the audience at his show. I smell mega-hit!!

We returned home to a bit of a jungle on our front lawn. I had neglected to arrange for someone to mow the lawn in our absence, essentially breaking a major rule in the home holiday safety manual. I’m sure our neighbours appreciated leaving for work every day, as the blades of grass on our unkempt lawn began to resemble corn rows.

It’s all better now…

Chow for now!!

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