Saturday, March 08, 2008

Chicken Scratch

Come on, chicken…THINK!!

It’s Saturday mornin’, and people are expectin’ your pearl drops of wisdom – this ain’t NO time for writer’s block!!!


Uh, top a the mornin’ ta ya, humans. Ole Charlie was just talkin’ to hisself, to coax out a few thoughts, like I usually do here on the weekend. But the ole well seems to have run dry this particular mornin’. What the cluck….


What’ve I got…

Well, tomorrow starts Daylight Savings Time, where I get ripped offa an hour of my beauty sleep. My poultry bumps are gonna be draggin’ Sunday, that’s for pluckin’ sure!!

How come none of the political parties down in the Unitey Steaks didn’t nominate a chicken? I think that HAS to be discrimination of some sort. I’ll tell ya one thing – a clucker that was President would convert KFC into Kentucky Fried Cattle faster than yew can say “Chicken Knuckles”…


Dear God, this is just painful today. I got nuttin. I got doodly.

I got a scratch on my pinfeathers these damn short wings o mine just can’t reach…

Well, I think I need to crawl back inta my coop, and catch a little siesta, so as my brain clears up. What the pluck?? That didn’t make a lick o snese!!!

I’m outta this popsicle stand. Amuse yerself for once!


Cluck for now!!!

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