Sunday, March 09, 2008

At One With “The Majesty Of The Mountains”.

(Actually, “At Two”. Someone Had To Be There To Take The Flippin’ Picture…)

As you may be able to deduce by the background in the picture up there today, I was recently posing in front of a mountain range. The Rocky Mountains. The Canadian part of the Rocky Mountain range to be exact, whose American portions were made famous in the 1970’s by John Denver, as he gushed over them in one of his songs. He did love his Rocky Mountain high…

Mrs. That Dan Guy and I were up for the first time ever in Kananaskis Village – a bee-oo-tiful part of rural Alberta, a mere 45 minutes from our front door. I had a health fair to attend, in my capacity as a Canadian Diabetes Association volunteer. MTDG stowed away in the van, popping out after it was too late to turn back for home…

At any rate, once we arrived at Kananaskis (Gesundheit!!) and set up the diabetes display, we took a little wander, and shot a few photographs. It is breath-taking. So breath-taking, we are still waiting for our breath to be returned.

Around this beautiful resort, there is a trail intended for viewing these mountains, called the Village Rim Trail. So we rolled up the rim (ouch! Totally Canadian inside joke…), and took a few more shots, which you can view at this handy-dandy link:

I am now going to depart, so as to warble about these Canadian portions of the Rocky Mountains, in the hopes of achieving similar success as Mr. Denver.

For today, I bid you a fond adieu…

Chow for now!!

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