Friday, November 02, 2007

I don’t know if anyone out there watched NBC as much as we did last night, but it seemed to be “Push The Envelope Night”. More appropriately, it may have been “Groin Night”…

Let’s start with My Name Is Earl. Maybe their funniest episode ever, and sprinkled liberally with crotch humour. Not that I mean to say crotch humour is the funniest thing in the world, but in the show, it was appropriate, and funny. And certainly pushed the envelope. Is NBC still the network in last place? Just asking…

The bit they worked around was a heat-sensitive camera, that captured certain bodily areas (do I need to spell it out?), making them very visible. Alright, that description may not sound like a laugh riot, but man, was it funny to watch…

Following that, The Office had a road trip scene where goofy salesman Dwight was peeing into a can, and may have cut his Oscar Meyer on the tin, when the car hit a bump. Not your everyday sitcom chuckle material.

But long-running hospital drama ER took that risky envelope, and pushed it right out the door, with a storyline that ran through the whole show, and involved a young virginal doctor walking around with a model of…you guessed it…a groin!!

Now that I think about it, even Jay Leno had a groin bit on The Tonight Show. During one of his “Things We Found On eBay” bits, he showed a Star Wars collectible card, that had a visibly “happy” C3PO, who may have been much closer to R2D2 than we ever knew…

Groin Night”, on the Peacock Network. Now that I say it like that, maybe it makes perfect sense…

Chow for now!!

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