Saturday, November 03, 2007

Chicken Scratch

Let’s keep it down out there today, boys & girls. Ole Charlie lost a science bet last night with a sheep dog, and now the vanilla extract I drunk is makin’ my head a little small for my brain this morning…


And speakin’ of brains an’ science, here’s a headline from a newspaper. “Uranus Amazes Astronomers”. Uranus, Myanus…Astronomers are amazed. I wonder if it has anything to do with a black hole??


Sorry. That was outta line. I am “amazed” at my own insensitivity. I should wash out my mouth with vanilla extract. Hair of the sheep dog…

I never really read the article. I just loved that astronomers somewhere were amazed with Uranus, or maybe Myanus. Frankly, it don’t sound like a job for astronomers as much as it should be an amazement for doctors with those rubber gloves. And why was it amazin’? Was Uranus covered in bubbles of linoleum? Was it glowin’ in the dark?

Was it whistlin’ a happy tune? Plenty of Uranuses do that after a bean burrito…


Sorry. Again, that was outta line. Nobody wants to start their Saturday morning thinkin’ about whistlin’ Uranuses. Most people don’t wanna start their Saturday morning with a gong inside their brain either, but Key Sara, Sara.

I wanted to be a junior astronomer, if ya can believe it. I bought a telescope, and put it out on the balcony of my apartment coop. The problem was, it faced directly into a hen house, and I never did point my telescope up to Uranus.

Well…maybe I…


Cluck for now!!

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