Wednesday, August 22, 2007

We’re just in the tail end of a family visit – my sister is in town.

And, the weather here has almost been cooperative. We've had just enough opportunity to squeeze in a quick BBQ –but even that had the threat of a rainfall imminent during the entire cooking of the meal.

Yes, our infamous psychotic Calgary weather has been in full bloom for her visit – bright and sunny in the morning – gloomy and storm-threatening the rest of the day. It feels more like late fall than the last few weeks of summer. I’ve even noticed an increase in the amount of street hockey games going on in our neighborhood – the ice pack is just about perfect!!

We’ve filled her visit with what I like to call drive-by sightseeing. We’re squeezing in so much more by just flashing by local landmarks, or pointing them out at a distance. For example, we can SEE Canada Olympic Park from our back yard, so why actually drive up to it??

Imagine how much a person could save if they just sailed past the ancient ruins of Greece, or looked at pictures of The Eiffel Tower?? This could be the start of something huge in rapid tourism!!

One thing we did actually get inside of yesterday was our local IKEA. That’s right, IKEA. My apologies if you live in a community without one – they are a modern wonder, with the bonus of fresh Swedish meatballs.

After three hours inside yesterday, we emerged with one of the coolest cheese graters you’ll ever see.


Sorry, I was watching one of those street hockey games…

Chow for now!!

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