Thursday, August 23, 2007

The general consensus around here is that we’ve been kinda ripped off – it’s gone from the blazingly hot weeks of summer we were enduring, to an immediate and abrupt fall. Autumn. No longer summa. The only thing missing is the leaves changing colours.

I can’t complain. I like my heat when I’m on holidays, NOT while I’m sweltering in my house. I tend to prefer these more temperate temperatures, more tempting to me than temporary heat waves.

I promise, one or more of these paragraphs will eventually make sense…

At any rate, for my sister’s visit, it has been temperate. Or tolerable. Not tempestuous. Maybe even a bit tepid.

All of which has made the house quite livable. It would have been hard explaining my slathers of body mayonnaise if had been over 30 degrees in here. But boy, does that EVER cool you down…

So, this being just the last week of August, will we get more high temperatures, or are we truly sliding down the hill into fall? I for one frankly just don’t care.

Sweat is totally overrated…

Chow for now!!


  1. Anonymous10:36 AM

    I just wanted to say thank you. I come out here every day, to read what you wrote, and chuckle. You are a very engaging writer and I appreciate you sharing that with us. (And no, I don't mean the other voice in my head, I mean those of us who enjoying reading you everyday.)

  2. Hey Theadra!!

    Thanks for your kind thoughts!

    I was worried that I might be one of the few people reading this, which would be some degree of a cause for concern...
