Monday, July 30, 2007

What a way to start your day...

My computer monitor has been driving me crazy the last little while, shutting itself off ten or twenty times, while I'm trying to work on something. I've been trying to suck it up and ignore it, but this morning, it flickered off, and has been unresponsive since. Quite dead actually. As useful as a rotten fencepost in a weekend bonfire for viewing my data.

I'm in better spirits now, but if you're at all aware of how I react to inanimate objects that fail me, you may surmise how happy I was a couple of hours ago. I would have made Andrew Dice Clay blush.

As I had to take Mrs. That Dan Guy to a doctor's appointment first thing this morning, I thought I would simply blog from my Blackberry, but after scratching out a very modest posting, it failed to actually post. Or save the draft. No connection to Blogger.

Again, much to my delight, but in a doctor's waiting area, I was forced to internalize my glee.

So, once everything was wrapped up, and the Mrs. dropped off at work, I returned home, and got onto her laptop.

Voila, today's posting. I will now spend my day determining whether I can afford to repair a 2-year old monitor, or if I must delay my acne treatment, to purchase a new one. In this heat, the skin just looks super-sweaty anyway.

Chow for now...


  1. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Poor That Dan Guy! I must admit I felt for him this morning! And on a Monda no less!
    Well, with such pity in my heart, it would be an easy sell to purchase a new computer.....just saying!

    Mrs That Dan Guy

  2. All nominations for "Greatest Person In The History Of The World" are now closed...

  3. Anonymous6:30 AM

    WOW......I'm almost of the line, all the bells and whistles baby!!!

  4. Perhaps I was a touch too hasty in closing those nominations...

  5. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Oh please! We know the new laptop is coming next, however, to stop the incessant whining we had to get a monitor, not to stop Mr That Dan Guy's bleeding!

    Peace once again until the next thing Mr That Dan Guy starts to whine on and on and on about........

    Oobla di oobla da!

    PS GG: What an imagination you have!


  6. Suddenly, I see gg pulling slightly ahead in the race for "Greatest Person In The World"...

  7. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Yes but can GG give you a new computer?
    Looks like MTDG has pulled ahead once again........

  8. I believed in the banjo - I BELIEVE in the new laptop...

  9. Anonymous8:14 AM

    Oh brother! You keep believing Mr.!
    Maybe one day you can sell your magic beans too!

  10. "I Traded My Magic Beans For A Seal Slide, And All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt".
