Tuesday, July 31, 2007

And, we're back.

After a day filled with much drama and heartbreak, I am now once again able to deliver this drivel to you on a timely basis.

My thanks especially to those of you that sympathized with my plight, and sent along your well wishes. A few sizeable donations, or a fresh strawberry tart might have been appreciated even more, but hey, I'll take all the well wishes I can get.

Our solution was slightly less than the brand-new, top-of-the-line HD, wide-screen long-battery-life laptop I felt had been alluded to by a posting from Mrs. That Dan Guy.

OK, a lot less. We picked up a new monitor, which while appreciated, admittedly is still unable to provide adequate computer speed for my daily (break-time only!) attempts to attain Level 6 of
Nascar NHL Mario Brothers Circus Of Running Scissors.


However, most importantly, for my tens of readers out there, I am now able to view what I type.

I apologize that you are able to view it, as well...

Chow for now!!

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