Wednesday, July 18, 2007

We've been primarily sleeping in our family room for over a week now, thanks to this heat wave. We forgot a basic rule of physics when we bought this place (with all the bedrooms and my office on the upper floor) - without central air, humans sweat like jogging yaks...

It is entirely unpleasant to sleep (or try to sleep, honestly) beside a sweaty yak.

So, we've tried to compromise by bunking down on our two sofas in the family room - one an actual sofa; the other a loveseat.

Being a shade on the larger side myself, I was awarded the sofa. Which is OK, but still about 4 inches too short when it comes to stretching my frame out comfortably. I end up having to either crook my legs in, or splay one up onto the back of the sofa, while the other one dangles dangerously off the end of the cushiony part of the couch. After some time, I find a comfortable-enough position and drift off to purring like a newborn kitten.

Mrs. That Dan Guy has to use the loveseat. Even though she's CONSIDERABLY shorter than I am, there's still only about 18 inches of flat space between the two arm rests, so she REALLY has to be an acrobat to find a restful position. Thanks God it's dark in there when we shut the lights off, or I'd be hard-pressed to fall asleep, watching her scrunch into a cannonball-style pose, most suitable for the tiny sofa space.

Next year - central air!!

(NOTE: Every effort has been taken to protect the identity of the sweaty yak...)

Chow for now!!

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