Tuesday, July 17, 2007

I had my Calgary TV debut yesterday, on CTV - a short interview on the post-news health segment. I played the role of "Diabetes Patient", along with a doctor that was there to actually explain the technical aspects of the disease. It may not have been "TV's most riveting moment so far this year", but watching it yesterday after the fact, I was amazed at how much I looked like a walrus in a dress shirt...

This appearance was an offshoot of my volunteer work for The Canadian Diabetes Association. They needed someone to be the local media contact for a groundbreaking new national survey on diabetes. I won't bore you with all the details and results, except to say diabetes is bad, it is approaching epidemic proportions, and Fruit Loops are like a total contradiction to dietary needs, as related to The Canada Food Guide.

So, to prepare for my Calgary TV debut yesterday, on CTV, I spent the weekend studying the results of this new national survey, and surfed The Google for pertinent and related diabetes articles. I discovered for example, among other things, that diabetes is not at all related to dyed beets. Seriously!!

Come yesterday morning, I mapped out my arrival to the studio, and left plenty early, so as not to get stuck in surprise summer construction, routing traffic to Moose Jaw as a temporary detour.

I was a little bewildered when I ended up back at my original starting point, 20 minutes later. Seems that if you have a map with "North" at the top, it may not match the actual landscape, which could be pointing, oh, let's say...SOUTH!!!!

Once I learned how to read upside down, I arrived at the studio in no time.

Reception directed me to my very first "Green Room". You always hear about guests on talk shows waiting in a "Green Room". My "Green Room" was kind of a light green, almost bordering on ecru. Not that green at all, frankly.

I nursed my disappointment over the "Barely Green Room" by watching The View, on the network's station. Until I was approached by the producer, who went over the process the doctor and I would be interviewed under (over, under??).

When we finally got herded into the studio, it was dang impressive. The two anchors were anchoring, and the weather lady was forecasting. All very official.

Our spot came along, and I could just get a glance of something very large wearing a dress shirt, on the monitor. I would later discover this to be me...

The doctor, being all fact-filled and such, got the lion's share of the TV time. I fielded two questions, not a single one on this blog, or my recent entry into Facebook. I will admit, neither of those endeavors involve diabetes to any major degree...

It was over in minutes. We were thanked for our time, and ushered back out to the parking lot.

I have yet to hear how the ratings for the episode were, but I do hope we might get picked up as a replacement series in the fall..."Diabetes Patient & The Doc"!!

Chow for now!

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