Wednesday, June 06, 2007

So, I have admitted (recently, even) that I tend to whine no matter what is going on around me.

"It's too hot".

"It's too cold".

"My buttocks protrude too much".

Can't seem to find a happy medium.

Well, last night finally gave me cause to gripe for a proper reason. If you haven't seen the news, Calgary has been getting a bit of rain the last day or so. Enough rain that the neighbors on either side of me are building arks. Enough rain that when an SUV is named "Cruiser", it actually does cruise - along the river in the middle of the street!!

We drove across town last night, and the water was so deep in some spots that those rooster tails you see on racing hydro-planes looked like weak trickles in an elementary school water fountain by comparison. In some areas of the city, cars were almost completely underwater!! I mean, I liked "Yellow Submarine" as much as the next person, but I don't think The Beatles were singing that song about a 1987 Nissan!!

In our own neighborhood, the stop sign at our street junction had water deep enough to stall a car - the water level was up to the poor guy's windows!! This is no way to save a few bucks on a touchless car wash!!

And, to make things worse, a home in our very neighborhood was hit by lightning, and burst into flames!!

The message is clear. Tonight, we will round up a few goats, and even though we may be a little rusty, we will make an offering to the heavens.

Anybody know where I left my raincoat??

Chow for now!!


  1. Well, let's see. Water...or...cankorworms? It seems that every day the last week consists of ranting and raving about these useless creatures. And there is about another week to go before they disappear. What use are they? Our trees are picked clean and I look like an idiot every time I go outside and flail my arms around and scream like hoards of dinosaurs are attacking me. Wanna trade places for a week? I could use some trolling through the water to scrape all the dead cankor carcasses from the bottom of my car!

  2. That's funny!

    Mrs. That Dan Guy and I were just talking the other day about cankerworms. I think we saw ONE in the park here in Calgary.

    Should we be concerned??

  3. Dannyboy.. I was thinking about a nickname loosely based on our friends over at OMC. Given your apparent "boat person" predicament I narrowed it down to two options.. and for reasons that I won't dwell on, chose "Evinrude". I hope you don't mind.

  4. Ha! "The Evinrude Dude". It may work.

    What was the losing name?? Yamaha? Mercury???

  5. Dan,
    Given the wholesome nature of your Blog, I figured "Johnson" could be misconstrued.

    Mind you, if you're looking for a new handle, Johnson's a good one.

  6. Ah, the joys of double entendre.

    Clearly you've missed Charlie's contributions to these pages. While I struggle to make wholesome funny, that foul weekend fowl runs rampant here with his potty mouth!!

    How did he even figure out my password for the compuuter????

    BTW - Good one - handle, Johnson...can't pull the sheep over MY eyes!!
