Thursday, June 07, 2007

The Ducks are the winners!
Long live The Ducks!!
Mighty indeed are The Ducks that skate!!!

They went on to win, those Anaheim Ducks,
Unstoppable, shooting those pucks,
For Ottawa, just bad lucks,
Not winning - that truly sucks...


Hey, I heard on the radio yesterday that Gene Simmon's Family Jewels has been such a big hit for A & E that they have picked it up for another year, and expanded the season!!


Gene rocks!!

Well, that goes without saying I suppose. He's a rock star.

I'm thinking of growing my hair out, in tribute to his TV success. Does he have a really apparent bald spot as well, in the back of his head?? Even if he did, they'd just airbrush it out. This is TV for God's sake - movie magic to make the old guy look good.

I'd just use shoe polish...


Train Wreck Update:

Second episode last night of The Next Best Thing! Celebrity Impersonators Gone Wild!!

This show is really shaping up to be the stinker of the season. We've decided NOT to watch the second season of America's Got (Not A Twig Of) Talent, so this is a GREAT replacement.

While we are sacrificing seeing a drunken David Hasselhoff struggle to eat a cheeseburger on national TV, we HAVE been treated to a nonstop parade of what can only be described as "remote" celebrity impersonators.

For example? How about a male Britney Spears?


I LOVE IT!!!!!

Can't wait for next week.

Until tomorrow: Ducks Rule!!

Chow for now!!

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