Saturday, June 23, 2007

Philadelphia, Day Six
(NOTE: Due to an error in reading a calendar, Charlie Chicken appeared yesterday. Scroll down, he's below this posting)
Yessir, that's the top of the stairs made famous in the Rocky movies. What with the pose, I know it's almost impossible to not believe you're looking at Sylvester Stallone!
If Sylvester Stallone were an aging grizzly bear, rearing up in apparent indigestive discomfort...
Yesterday was History Day during our conference, here in Philly.
After the morning sessions (Fox New's personality Bill O'Reilly, humorist Dave Barry, and fashion columnist Robin Givhan), we were scooted around various scenic and historical sights.
We toured the U.S.S New Jersey, a rather large and imposing battleship. It is entirely appropriate to say "great guns" to a battleship, even if it is female...
We were bused over to The Phildelphia Art Museum, for our photo op on the "Rocky" stairs. In the first movie, back in the 70's, Rocky ran up those stairs in 10.9 seconds.'
Slacker! I conquered them in 9.7 seconds, WHILE holding a Big Gulp, and having a cigarette!! Movie magic my derriere!!
We also got to tour Independence Hall, and view the Liberty Bell. That's the bell you see on on those late night U.S. infomercials, for collectible silver dollars.
It's cracked, don't you know!!
We wrapped up our historical visitin' at the National Constitution Center, an amazing multi-media tribute to the National.
No, sorry, the Constitution. And, it was a sight to see. Very cool, even for an old Canuck.
Plus, it's kinda got a naughty word, right in the middle of it..
Hee Hee!!
Oh well, better get going. More sessions today, and more sights to be seen.
"Gotta Fly Now"!!!
Chow for now!
(PS - Again, I have no idea why the spaces between my type are crammed in together. I leave gaps, but the program fills them in. Go figure...)

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