Sunday, June 24, 2007

Philadelphia, Day Seven
I'm standing here (yesterday) directly on the ball field at Citizen's Bank Park, home of The Philedalphia Phillies. I've just been struck out in two pitches ( a record), and have been send back down to the minors, where my spiral will continue. I see no trading cards in my immediate future...
We got a first class tour of this facility, from the field to the dugout - all the way around the stands, luxury suites, and even into the batting cages and dressing room. Un-bee-lievable...
The coolest part was getting to sit in the various broadcasting booths, where they even broadcast the games in Spanish, which was happening as we were being toured through (the Phillies were on the road).
Aye Caramba!!
That was pretty much the last bit of sight-seeing, as our conference wound down last night. Sadly, we are being told that we have to board a plane in a few hours, and I'll need to attend to a lawn that hasn't been attended to it a little over a week or so (I've never been real good at coordination).
It's been a blast. The conference had loads of info, met some new friends,and caught up with ones we've seen at previous events. And if you've never been, Philadelphia is a must-see American city. It's where it all started! The history here is virtually historic!!
Anyhow, I need to pack, and there's one last meeting to attend.
Chow for now!!

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