Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Just in case you may be succumbing to "Philadelphia Fatigue" after over a week of postings, I thought I should mix things up, and babble on for a few paragraphs about something entirely unrelated.

Something...well, something likely on the hearts and minds of most people as summer begins to gather momentum. Network television.

We returned late Sunday night to a series of TV show recordings - none more anticipated for viewing than the episode of "The Next Best Thing - Celebrity Impersonators" we missed while away.

Every TV season (it seems), we hunker down and look for the worst possible televised train wreck, and this one is clearly "it". Above and beyond even "National Bingo Night" !!! Who knew??

At any rate, to date in this short (thank God) series, the competitors have often resembled other "stars" than intended, and most often have sounded a lot like what I suspect cattle must sound like, while being branded or bathed. It has been a truly bizarre and tasteless parade of talent, in the absolute loosest form of that word. I've never seem so many male Cher impersonators since..well, one never really gets frequent opportunities to see many male Cher impersonators as a general rule of thumb, do they??

The quest for talent has ended. The final contestants have been chosen, and I for one can barely stand the wait, to see who will walk away with the crown, of "The Next Best Thing".

Unless a competing network broadcasts "Groundhog Day" at the same time. Man, I love that movie...

Chow for now!!

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