Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Good Grief!!

I am in entirely uncharted territory. At least for an old-timer like myself.

I got nudged into joining Facebook yesterday, the second-most popular social networking site on the Web. Even just during the somewhat brief search to find people I know, I felt like I had accidentally wandered into an online portfolio for 14-year old "glam" model photography, or a universe where Clay Aiken is considered a grand elder statesman.

I felt like Phyllis Diller auditioning for "America's Next Top Model"...

Oh, it's a cool enough joint. I just fear that after having to maintain a website AND this blogspace, the last thing I need is yet another online presence.

However, it was pretty cool (I must admit), to virtually converse and kibbitz, once I was finally able to find the people I knew (found them in under 45 minutes!!). I'll get back into the site later today, and kibbitz a bit more.

Unless my "cool factor" has already expired, in under 24 hours...


Chow for now!!

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