Sunday, January 07, 2007

Why is it that a person always has to pee so badly, first thing in the morning?? If that matter wasn't so pressing, a person could sleep in once in a while...

Take a weekend morning for example. This weekend in particular, let's say.

Both Saturday and Sunday morning I awoke at a somewhat regular hour, due to a gnawing urge to put out a fire, figuratively speaking... I had to attend to a gusher, sort of...

Trying to get the matter off your mind just makes it crazier, more persistent. The only solution is to forsake the warmth and coziness of your weekend bed, and toddle over to the little boy's room, for takin' care uv bidness.

Then what?? Do you just crawl back in, and pretend that you never got up in the first place?? Do you hope that your partner hasn't heard the torrent, and comes upstairs to get you out of bed anyway??

This is what I think of, on a Sunday morning...

Chow for now!!

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