Monday, January 08, 2007

Oh brother....

Neither Mrs. That Dan Guy, nor I got very much sleep last night. No reason in particular, we both just couldn't seem to fall asleep.

Well, for me it may have been worrying about that stupid chicken that keeps popping up, during the weekend postings here. I need to find that prickly poultry some feathers, to try and calm him down!!

For Mrs. That Dan Guy...well, it could be kind-of anything. She's always thinking, that one. Like the other day, when I cut my foot folding socks, she was able to detective her way through a few clues, to instinctively know that I had done something stupid, and had been trying to hide that from her.

I cracked under the pressure, and confessed. Now she's assisting in my daily attending to the wound, in the hopes that it heals properly.

When we couldn't sleep last night, we got up and watched the end of a movie we had started, earlier in the evening. Which led to both of us struggling to get up this morning. Even now, I'm chewing on coffee beans to try and kickstart my sorrowful behind. It will eventually get into gear...

Chow for now!!

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