Wednesday, January 31, 2007

So, here's where I can kill two birds with one stone (and for any PETA people still monitoring this space, I would NEVER kill even a single bird with stones!!). Today, I can provide my typical wacky commentary, but also cover the bases for my commitment to NHL Bloggers.

Because today I would like to talk about the wonder product being hawked by none other than Coach's Corner star Don Cherry - Cold-FX.

Since officially and completely moving to Calgary back in July of last year, both my wife and I have had more colds and cold symptoms than usual. We expected this, as unlike Kelowna, Alberta has a recurring winter season.

After passing a few colds back and forth, plus indicating typical symptoms like runny noses and dry throats for some time, we picked up a bottle of this miracle product, Cold-FX.

But here's the funny thing. We have yet to open the bottle!! Just purchasing the product, and leaving it in our medicine cabinet, we are now cold-less and symptom-less for over two weeks!!

My theory, and admittedly this is entirely theory at this point, is that the little figure of Don Cherry in his checkered blazer on the flyer for the bottle of medication is like that place in Lourdes, where the sick go to be healed. His glow emanates from our bathroom, and envelopes our home in healing energy. His "thumbs up" gesture is as powerful as the genie from Aladdin!!

Crazy, you say?? Maybe, but we're saving a fortune on Kleenex these days!!!

Chow for now!!!

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