Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Have I mentioned here yet that I may have inadvertently solved my uncooperative toilet woes??

We had one that you needed to hold down the handle forever for it to flush; one that flushed repeatedly and then ran until you jiggled the handle to stop it; and we had one that would flush very nicely some of the time, but clog even if there was a corner of a piece of Kleenex in it. All in all, these combined household amenities were conspiring to send me over the edge...

We had some professionals look at them (visiting family), and they washed their hands of the beasts immediately (in the sink...NOT in the twalletts).

So, in the face of having to call in plumbers, or some other such radical and expensive move, I reasoned that if the most consistent flusher in the house was the one where you had to hold the handle down forever, maybe I should make all the others the same.

And I'll be damned if that didn't do the trick!! Now each and every one (despite needing as much time with the handle down as a toaster at work during breakfast preparation) flushes like a dream.

Well, I'll admit I've got grander dreams than flushing toilets, but in some circumstances, a successful toilet flush is pretty high on the Happy Scale!!

Chow for now!!

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