Thursday, December 28, 2006

Winter has returned to Calgary.

After several mild days, and no new snow since before Christmas, we got the white stuff again yesterday, along with high winds to help pile up the drifts.

Now I can understand that in places like Kelowna, Vancouver, or Bora Bora, snow is somewhat rare, and therefore a fresh skiff of the stuff presents a challenge, whilst behind the wheel of a moving car or truck. However, here in the prairies, winter comes every FREAKIN' YEAR!!!!!!! Why is it that people here haven't come to the simple conclusion that poor road conditions suggest perhaps even just the slightest correction to typical driving conditions??

We've seen people flying by, and that's just in the drive-thru lane at Starbucks.

We've seen people fishtailing into a complete corkscrew maneuver, without a wine bottle in sight.

We've seen impatient dough-heads gas up their beast, with absolutely no regard for the laws of physics. You can only hope (as they sail over an embankment) that your own insurance costs aren't affected by their poor judgement. Or that maybe you can pick up their refurbished, write-off BMW real cheap...

Slow down, boys and girls. Point B will still be there, even if it takes 12 minutes more to get there...

Chow for now!!

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