Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Well, Christmas is over, and Wrestling Day has passed by as well. Sure, some may call it Boxing Day, but have you ever been in a department store on Dec. 26th?? All-Star Rasslin', my friends...

We now have the sweet sounds of banjo in our home, and an alternate feather wreath for the current one hanging on our door. We can even frame a rubber chicken in either one.

One of our artificial Xmas trees expired last night, twinkling no more. I'll take a look at it, but it may be far more prudent to just let it go, rather than tinker with something that utilizes an electric current. That is, after all, how our hamster died (unexpectedly)...apparently they DON'T utilize electric currents...("Clear!" seems to work on ER)....

Sadly, life must get back to normal now. Pretty soon we'll be tearing down the decorations, and maybe some copper-colored bird will regain his or her dignity, if I can toss the old feather wreath out into the backyard while Mrs. That Dan Guy is polishing the silver.

We've gone through more batteries than that slack-ass Eveready Bunny could promptly supply, and even had to replace a strand of those new-fangled LED lights, that are supposed to last forever. I found a way to break something even THAT hardy...

Back to work, boys & girls!! Just a few more days until New Year's Eve!!

Chow for now!!

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