Wednesday, November 01, 2006

"Is it hot in here, or is it just my feathers?"

This is just another example of why I can't expect a normal day in our household. Ever...

Mrs. That Dan Guy had to dress up for Halloween yesterday, and the character she had to appear as was Mrs. Peacock, from the Clue board game. Her entire collective of colleagues at work was a virtual gameboard of Clue characters.

However, as Mrs. Peacock, her costume included a large blue boa, with what I have to assume are entirely natural blue feathers. They make for excellent insulation (hence the concern over temperature), and even feature a molting feature, as I have found remnants of the boa throughout the house.

She spent most of yesterday spitting out wayward pieces that floated up around her face...kind-of like watching Sylvester after dining on a very cold Tweety (sorry, PETA, but it's nature's way!!)...

Today is a normal workday, so I am hoping to get through breakfast without a peep (heh heh heh).

Chow for now!!

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