Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Portrait Of A Bus Boob...
Further confirmation of my theory here in Calgary that when car doors close, so do drivers' brains...
Yesterday we were driving into town during a particularly long rush hour. The weekend snowfall likely added 45 minutes to our trip.
As we approached the bridge that gets you into downtown, some bozo was on my tail, chomping at the bit to get past, despite poor driving conditions. I chose the right hand lane, and sure enough he hit the gas, and came roaring up beside me.
However, he either failed to notice, or chose to ignore that the light had changed, and traffic coming from his left was now proceeding. I'm assuming that somewhere in that neck pod with hair he thought he could proceed anyway.
Until he saw the city bus careening towards him, and the poor bus driver having to stand on the brakes to avoid turning him into Cream Of Idiot soup...
We had front row seats as this guy almost became a Flyer Industries hood ornament. However, the joke would have lost a little of the giggle for us, once the impact of the bus pushed him sideways into our vehicle. Thankfully, the bus driver was able to avoid all of that.
Like the light in a closed refrigerator, all is dim when some people get behind the wheel out here...

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