Friday, July 28, 2006

Didn’t hear the idling rocket-sled again, late last night. That’s a good thing, I think. Actually, my wife confessed to hearing the same noise some time ago, so there really may have been alien visitors chillin’ outside our window!! How cool is that??

I only wish I could have caught a glimpse of the little rascals the other night. People have argued for decades now about the existence of intelligent life outside of the recently-reduced cast of The View, and I am really beginning to believe they were right outside my bedroom window…maybe beginning their galactic newspaper delivery route???

If there really are life forms out there from distant planets, are they as crazy about Texas Hold ’Em poker as our society is right now?? Do their athletes dope up on steroids, then deny it even as they are sprouting extra ears? Would I feed them carrots and sugar cubes??

Aliens have been depicted in countless movies and TV shows as anything from a furry little Furby to a bald cannibalistic predator. They’ve been imagined as looking just like human beings, or as glisteny space-age robotic creatures. In my imagination, most aliens would look like that hilarious Mork guy, but wouldn’t have spent the last 12 years playing more serious roles in movies.

Tonight, I’m going to stay up a bit, maybe read a book. If I hear that idling airplane noise outside, I’ll catch the buggers on my Handy-cam. The world needs to know!!

Chow for now!

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