Thursday, July 27, 2006

Couldn’t sleep last night. It was pretty hot, and then there was the disturbing noise outside…

OK, now this may sound a little bit weird, but I swear it happened!!

After we went to bed last night, I sort of flipped and flopped for a while, like a freshly landed mackerel. Just as I thought I might finally be falling asleep, I heard what sounded like an airplane, or other such jet-propelled device. However, this noise was right outside our 4th-storey window…

First off, I handled it rather tactfully, shaking my wife and asking her what the hell that noise was. She was as sound asleep as a moss-covered boulder, and gave me absolutely no response. Fearful of a flying saucer idling outside our window, and entirely uninterested in any sort of late-nite alien probing, I tiptoed out to the living room, turned on all the lights in that room, and sang “Kumbaya”, acapella. After about 15 minutes, I realized that while I was feeling much better, I had abandoned my spouse.

After another ten minutes of “Kumbaya”, I decided to turn on the hallway light, and check on her. Thankfully, all was well.

So, I am not sure that I can say this for certain, but my hypothesis is that either a brief downtown visit by extraterrestrials may have occurred just after midnight, OR a very upscale burglar with one of those rocket-sleds that Luke Skywalker used in the first Star Wars movie couldn’t get our bedroom window open, and left for easier pickings…

Either one could have happened.

Chow for now!

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