Monday, June 05, 2006

You'd better sit down today, folks! I have come to a bizarre, yet entirely probable self-realization this morning.

For the life of me, I could not figure out why I had a) this ongoing fascination with PETA, and b) the additional compounding evidence of recurring critters in my life and home.

After much reflection, I have come to the eye-opening conclusion that I just might be descended from the bloodline of Dr. Dolittle!!

I know, I know. I thought it was crazy at first myself, but think about it. Our well-sealed home has recently had crickets, creepy-crawlies, and even a freakin' gecko, just in the last couple of months.

Outside of the home, I've recently spotted (and herein recounted sightings of) coyotes, an eagle ( or possibly a peroxide crow - the jury is still out on that one), hawks, a garter snake and many furry marmots.

The last piece of the puzzle came together last night, when I dreamt that I was riding a giant snail, while wearing a top hat and an oversized satin bow tie...

The only plausible explanation of all this is that I somehow may be a remote cousin of, or maybe even the great-great-grandson of Dr. Dolittle. I can hear my wife snickering over in the corner, but that may be more to do with "do little" than Dolittle...

The only way to test this theory is in the field, so to speak. After I post this blog today, I will go out onto my patio, and try to chat with one of the furry marmots that nibbles on grass growing on our hillside. I know they're dumber than a roof squirrel, but even if we can talk about the weather, this will go a long way towards answering some of these perplexing questions...

More on this, I'm sure!!

Chow for now!


  1. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Good to hear you're writing full time! I look forward to reading more of your slightly warped perspective on life.

    Your old fishing buddy - JC

  2. And that's the most polite thing anybody's ever said about these postings....

    :-))) (double chins)

