Tuesday, June 06, 2006

I don't want to give up too early, but my afternoon with the neighborhood furry marmots proved to be rather fruitless yesterday...

Positive that I was onto something groundbreaking, I tried to have a conversation with some of these chubby chipmunks, to try and prove my latest theory. And now I am a little embarrassed to admit here that I had even considered my possible relation to Dr. Dolittle...

I wonder what my neighbors may have been thinking yesterday, as I followed fleeing mammals around the yard, with a plate of chocolate chip cookies?? Maybe marmots prefer peanut butter??

Having no success with the super-sized yard rodents, I took a little stroll around the block, and attempted to initiate some dialogue with a robin, who looked at me just long enough to ensure I wasn't armed, then flew off to a quieter tree branch elsewhere.

A lady looking at me rather curiously from her living room window was probably visualizing me in a rather large clock, emerging every hour on a sliding platform from behind a set of double doors, to cuckoo the current time...

It was fast becoming clear that the gas was running out of my Dr. Dolittle theory. And for the record, when I say that I thought I was maybe related to Dr. Dolittle, I meant the real one, played way back when by Rex Harrison. Not the more recent and far-fetched Eddie Murphy versions...

On my walkabout yesterday, I noticed a yard with a rather large pit bull sleeping by a fancy doghouse. No leash. Today, I'm going to give this Dolittle bloodline theory one last shot, as I try to discuss something with man's best friend.

Stay tuned!!

Chow for now!!

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