Well, I got squat today folks...
No wacky road trip adventures; no new book of enlightenment - just Jack Squat.
I'm not entirely sure why I decided to make this a daily task, now that I really have to sit here and think about it. I mean, it's not like a couple of burly gentlemen in blue pinstripe suits are standing over my shoulder, ensuring in their speechless but menacing vigil that I crank these things out each and every day (Help. Please. Send help, for the love of God. One of these guys has a serious B.O. problem...).
No, like so many other things in my odd life, I have taken it upon myself to sit on a chair that's not even made of real leather, and blither away for a few hundred words, should I be so lucky as to get past the first fifty. Every freakin' day...
Oh, I suppose you're right. There certainly are far more wasteful things a person could be doing with his life. I could be organized. Like my wife. That takes up loooooads of time that could be much better spent reading the comics section of the newspaper, or surfing through the entire lineup of digital channels available here from our cable provider.
I could wash her car, like she has so nicely asked all week long. But you know damn well that as soon as you finish polishing the thing, it will rain at least once this year. Why lose those valuable moments of your life?? I could be rotating the inventory in my beer fridge instead!!
Hell, I could be SAMPLING the inventory in my beer fridge..
Chow for now!!
Some days are just like that Dano, full of Jack and Squat, although I'd prefer Jack to Squat any day of the week (Daniel's that is). Can't say that I can recall a good stiff one with the word Squat in it, although I'm sure it exists, just not in my world. Perhaps it is referred to only when one is Squatting. Any how, you can tell that I as well have Jack and Squat to say.
ReplyDeleteIt's been real.
Hey Anonymous!
ReplyDeleteJack Daniels may be the most appropriate thing to say after all, considering the weekend has finally arrived!!
Mr. Daniels in moderation, of course...