Thursday, May 25, 2006

I just bought a thesaurus!!

Man, is that a handy little book to have...

For example, if I wanted to dazzle you here in these blogs with a fancier word for...say, parallelism, I can now substitute equidistance, or concentricity. They don't teach ya that in boardin' school!!

My only complaint is that even though it claims to be a "pocket thesaurus", you'd have to be pretty geeky to actually walk around with one in your pocket. You'd likely get a lot of "is that a thesaurus in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me??"

How did I ever survive so long without one of these bad boys?? Are you just supposed to know that top/vertex/apex/zenith are some of the other words for summit? Would even Alex Trebek know that kind of thing?? He'd sure pretend to, let me tell you...

I am now confident (having spent last night reading my thesaurus from cover to cover) that if I were in one of those trivia games you play in local bars and pubs, I could nail a question on bifurcation. My tablemates would probably even hoist me over their shoulders, although just between you and me, several of those girls are a little too skinny for their own good...

Kidding! If I was out at a bar with a table full of women, even innocently playing trivia games, my wife would ensure that I'd learn several new words for "wuppin", with or without my new thesaurus...

Chow for now!!

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