Monday, May 22, 2006

That's it then...

After my lizard flinging experience from back a few days ago, and now also including my squirrel flambe comment yesterday, my membership application for PETA has been denied.

It's probably just as well, I would have missed hot dogs alot, even though I'm still not entirely certain that actual meat is used in the ingredients, or that "hot dogs" are in fact mistreated before being packaged.

And to be perfectly honest, I don' t think I could have lived without the occasional piece of Kentucky Fried Chicken... I could have worn a chicken suit, like others have to make some sort of point. Knowing me, I would have a long gravy stain on the front, perhaps a little inappropriate at a protest march...

Instead of being a member of a national animal protection group, I'll just have to start being nicer to animals in general - both in this column, and in real life. I must pet a puppy whenever I can!!

But if I throw a rock at a pigeon, or have a hamburger now and then, I'll just have to keep it to myself.

Chow for now!!

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