Sunday, May 21, 2006

Ah, the long weekend; a cherished Canadian institution...

Three days that you don't have to even think about work, and usually the first time of the year to get out and go camping.

Also often three straight days of wind and pounding rain, while you huddle shivering like a bulemic Greyhound in your thin little tent, without light because you forgot to bring fresh batteries for your flashlight.

But at least you got out of the house! That counts for something. On those frequent occasions when you need to sprint across the muddy field to the outhouse, you make mental notes to get that umbrella out of your golf bag back in the garage, and back into the camping supplies box.

You forget completely about the umbrella though when a bolt of lightning ignites a squirrel that had been quizzically observing you, from the branch of a big oak tree... Returning quickly to your tent, you determine that you could probably wait until morning to use the facilities, after all...

Chow for now!!

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