Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Ode To A Doughnut

Oh, doughnut - or donut.

You lie there, so tempting, so vulnerable.

Without flash, you offer yourself up, and be you covered in sugar, or plain as Jane, you never fail to delight.

Oh doughnut...

I like you by the dozen, I love you by yourself - doughn't you know.

If you're glazed, so are my eyes, Do-nut even get me started on being filled with cremes or jams!!

Doughnut, or donut, you are a delight.



  1. Mrs That Dan Guy10:06 AM

    Sigh. You had a doughnut didn't you? Doughnut or doughnut, run next time you see MTDG.

  2. Wuuut?

    How dare you accuse me....well....
