Saturday, February 28, 2015

Hot Nut Riveters? Yes Please!

Calgary Folk Club:

The Hot Nut Riveters
Guy Forsyth
Scott Mackay

My review of last night's Calgary Folk Club is live online in my Calgary Herald blog.

 I'll also steer you over to my other site to read my preview of their show, which includes links to two audio podcast interviews, with The Hot Nut Riveters' Guy Forsyth, and Calgary-based singer/songwriter Scott MacKay.

As well, here's An Evening In Pictures - enjoy!


Friday, February 27, 2015

Shameless :-) Marketing Concept Gone Awry...

For a scribbler, I've had to do a lot of marketing and self promotion over the years. It's just the nature of the beast.

I had a headstart with those efforts back when I was in real estate, as I had to market my services, so as to stand out from the competition.

"Sell With The Saint" - great idea!

Swinging With The Saint - not such a good idea...

My latest REM column, which you can enjoy here.

Lots going on this weekend, still waiting for two articles to go live online, and two more reviews coming soon. Links to follow


Thursday, February 26, 2015

In Today's Calgary Herald - Stage West Calgary's Latest

"And Then The Lights Went Out"
by Andy Garland
Stage West Calgary

Live now online, AND in today's physical Calgary Herald, my review of the noir detective send-up "And Then The Lights Went Out".

Check it out here.

Hoping to have a couple more pieces go live today and tomorrow - busy weekend of great entertainment here in the city!



Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Lots Going On, Just Not In Time To Link here :-(

Wow - drowning, but in a good way.

Lots coming out over the next few days, so my brief break over the weekend is but a fond memory.

Reviews, and more shows back-to-back to review - busy Canadian beaver am I!

And it is showing - today my page views here leaped by 400% - I kid you not.

Let's see what happens when I actually post something...

Coming soon!


Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Well, That's A Fine How-Do-You-Do!

I see a line posted above my dashboard right now on Blogger that states they will be refusing certain content after March 23, of a specifically naughty nature.

By my own language back there, you can see just how much I'LL be affected by these changes...

But it does seem funny, given the explosive popularity of the 50 Shades thing, that there would be a push BACK, given the obvious appetites of the book buying and movie-going public.

Is Blogger Republican? Does Fox News own shares in Blogger? Is my Blogger blog going to suddenly disappear based on this rant??

Let's see...


Monday, February 23, 2015

Rare Weekend Off(ish)...

Got to stay in for once, a rare occurrence as of late.

That said, still edited an interview for posting today (link when that goes live), started a second one, reached out to a musician for another interview, and started in on a few other projects.

So, not really a weekend off after all :-)

Love it!

Later...have a great week, y'all!!

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Octopus' Garden

I wonder just what an octopus might raise in a garden.

Ink? Cucumbers?

Arm skin softener cremes??

Well, he sure wouldn't have to worry about droughts, I assume.

But keeping his crops in direct sunlight could be a concern....


Saturday, February 21, 2015

Chicken Scratch

(posted by weekend guest blogger....oh oh!!)




Friday, February 20, 2015

Get Back On The Horse....

Unless you were riding a:





Irish Wolfhound

Fellow Human Being


Automated Dumbo ride at the shopping mall


Bull Ship

Carnival Float

Pogo Stick




Then get back on that instead...

Have a great weekend!!!


Thursday, February 19, 2015

Nothing Like A Reliable App - Know Of Any??

I forgot to blog this morning, as I was rushing to get a review in for another space.

After remembering just now, I tried to load something quickly from my smartphone app.

Unfortunately, that smartphone app is as smart as a rock in the mud. So, here we are, quickly posting from another option.

I need a flight control officer for all this stuff...


Wednesday, February 18, 2015

What The What - Abbey Road???

I read online that there are plans afoot (seriously, I'm not making this up) to re-record the iconic legendary Beatles classic album Abbey Road - with Kanye West. Which just goes to show there is literally no one this man won't steal a microphone from.

However, if even that sacred plum is open to re-imagining with West on board - how about some others?

1) Pink Floyd - any of them. We don't need no education in real music....

2) Taylor Swift - Red (Hey, he owes her...)

3) The Beach Boys - Pet Sounds. There is one mouldy old record that just begs for extended inaudible mumbled rap passages...

4) Nana Mouskouri - Live At The Greek. Can you picture the look in her eyes during Butterfly? Float float indeed...

5) The Four Seasons - any of them. Who wouldn't go crazy for a little (or a lot of) Gold-Digger during Sherry??

What classic album would you like to see Kanye-ized??



Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Ode To A Doughnut

Oh, doughnut - or donut.

You lie there, so tempting, so vulnerable.

Without flash, you offer yourself up, and be you covered in sugar, or plain as Jane, you never fail to delight.

Oh doughnut...

I like you by the dozen, I love you by yourself - doughn't you know.

If you're glazed, so are my eyes, Do-nut even get me started on being filled with cremes or jams!!

Doughnut, or donut, you are a delight.


Monday, February 16, 2015

And Then The Lights Went Out, Stage West Calgary's Latest

"And Then The Lights Went Out"
by Andy Garland
Stage West Calgary

Courtesy Stage West Calgary

The Monday Morning "Somebody-Asked-Me-To, So-Here-I-Go" Entertainment Review: 

Stage West Calgary's 
"And Then The Lights Went Out"

Man, if ever you DIDN'T want lights to go out, this would be one of those productions to keep on going and going. 

A play within a play, poking fun at both the conventions of the pulp novel/noir film genres along with the challenges of the writing life, this creative endeavour brings together a great script, and a well-cast group of actors to make the characters within the story come to vivid life. 

The play itself is great fun for sure - well-paced, and filled with twists and turns you'd expect in a gumshoe yarn. The humour is particularly insightful and fun, even taking the odd playful stab at the Alberta location (Edmonton) it's set in.

For my money though, this production stands on the shoulders of the cast, each and every one making their characters cartoonish and cliched when necessary, but sympathetic, engaging and hilarious the rest of the time. 
Courtesy Stage West Calgary

Trevor Leigh clearly dove into the role of hard-boiled detective Jim O'Reiley, as does Luke Marty playing the stock-villain-with-yearnings-for-depth Bruno Dawes. As the author (Thomas Levine) with writer's block, Warren Bain keeps a calm cool head as he is surrounding by the characters he is trying to herd towards "The End" of his latest novel. 

The ladies are just as great - Chantal Perron as bombshell femme fatale Claire Valcourt, Siobhan Richardson as up-and-coming officer of the law Lucy DeBrie, and love interest neighbour of the struggling author, artist Nia Sloan (Cosette Derome).

There's also the landlady with a not-so-hidden personal agenda (Rennie Wilkinson as Adelle Berger), and Sheldon Davis as an over the top villain Duke Morrison. 

Then there was an uncredited cameo on and off in certain scenes, (even shooting a tommy gun) that seemed to very closely resemble the assistant stage manager, but....maybe I was hallucinating as much as Levine??

Look, I can't use everything here - I still have to write my official Calgary Herald review. 

Consider this an advance preview - and speaking of advance previews, I had the pleasure of chatting with the actual playwright, Andy Garland - check that feature and companion podcast out in my Calgary Herald blog space.

4.5 of 5 stars....

Sunday, February 15, 2015

My Marathon Is Over (For This Week)

What an insane run!

This week has been  a blessed blur from a blossomed bouquet of great entertainment.

I had to try recording three different interviews, attend four (or maybe it was five) shows - both theatre and live music. That comes to an end for this week with a brunch run for a rescheduled media presentation at Stage West.

Check out my recent review for The Calgary Folk Club, and a preview interview for Stage West with playwright Andy Garland.

Later today, I'll have a live online review for Scorpio Theatre's latest production, and will return home to work on my review for And Then The Lights Went Out.

Then I might sleep a bit before I tune in to SNL's 40th Anniversary spectacular.
Sleep would be nice....


PS - you can also follow along live in my Calgary Herald blog!

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Chicken Scratch

(posted by weekend guest blogger Charlie Chicken...)

Mah fyutshures so brite, I gotta wear shades!! 


Tha's a old piktchure, but ah still like it...

Cluck fer now!!

Friday, February 13, 2015

The Crapshoot

These days, it is a complete and total crapshhot as to when things I post in another blog will eventually go live. Mostly, it's late morning, sometimes late afternoon.

I do hold off here to link when I can, but today I am just saying - it's a crapshoot.

I really wouldn't want to be the one that cleans THOSE guns....


Thursday, February 12, 2015

Me & The Mrs - No, Not Me - He & His Wife...


 Sorry. There's an Alberta folk duo called Me & The Mrs, and I chatted with them for the release and tour of their new CD, The Frogs Sang Symphonies.


Wednesday, February 11, 2015

In The Absence Of What I Had Hoped To Post...

Well, the column link I had hope to post has yet to go live, so I had better try doing something to keep up my daily posting routine.

Did I say routine?

I meant poutine.

Dang - now I'm hungry.

Not for poutine - that's just disgusting.

But hungry - off I go!!


Tuesday, February 10, 2015

My Preview & Interview For Friday's Calgary Folk Club

Her brand-new album drops Friday - you may want to catch a copy before it hits the floor :-)

That also happens to be the night she debuts at The Calgary Folk Club, along with veteran troubadour  storyteller James Keelaghan - promises to be an epic evening of amazing music!

Read my Calgary Herald blog preview here which also features a link to the podcast phone interview (audio).


Monday, February 09, 2015

My Review Of The Granny Awards, 2015

What a night, live from the audience at the Stippled Centre! Seniors from all around the country were gathered, and I was in the audience for all of the spectacular performances.

Sponsors like Dentu-Creme stuck with their commitment to keep the teeth in for the best performances of the year, once again. Jaws will be wagging this morning!

It was the collaborations that everyone will be talking about at the water cooler this morning, or in the lineup at the bed pan refinishing shop back in the local senior's centres.

How about Doris McCulsky, who accompanied Albert Spiner on piano for a rousing chorus of "You Are My Sunshine"?? So many moments they were almost on key...

Then the reunion of Jean Simmins and Paul Stan Lee brought the audience to their walkers with their rousing rendition of "My Joints Rock & Roll All Night".

Special presenter Biddy White had the crowd roaring when she announced that the kitchen was out of  strained beets, but the replacement of stewed prunes took some of the edge off of the surly crowd for awhile.

It was the long shots coming through for awards that had tongues clucking, or maybe that was just the sound of the chickens in the kitchen before they were served a-la-King. Everyone attendance thought for sure Bee "Honey" Onsay would pick up a trophy or two, but her arthritis forced her granddaughter to do that for her.

I couldn't make out what the Hearing Aid Clinic was trying to say, but I understand it had something to do with longer-lasting batteries. Auntie Lennocks raised a few eyebrows with her appearance alongside a far younger ukulele player, but I thought it went well for them.

I hope to return next year, as these Granny Awards are always such a great time. And, I really love the tapioca pudding treats...


Sunday, February 08, 2015

Scorpio Theatre Raises A Sword (or Two) In "Cry Havoc 3"

By now you may have seen my post/preview/interview/Calgary Herald blog link to the new show from Calgary's Scorpio Theatre, opening Feb 13. I've retweeted the Herald link, and posted it to Facebook and LinkedIn.

Sorry, I've got one more - then I'm done - promise:

Cry Havoc 3 Link



Saturday, February 07, 2015

Chicken Scratch

(posted by savvy shopper, and weekend guest blogger Charlie Chicken...)

Well, ah'm off - gonna git ovur ta Target Canada, and stock up on savins!!!

Ah here they iz BLOWIN' out merchindice, which is good, cause they ain't had reel prices here since they opened!! Astro-nomikally overpriced!!!


Ah'm hopin' ta pick up beddin' fer mah coop, as well az a BIIIIIG screen TV, maybe 155"!!!!


It's gonna be like plucking' Chrissmas all over agin!!!


Charge it, and pack it in tha shoppin' cart, Clerk Kent - daddy's gotta feather his nest with plush 


Ah need a bigger bag...



Oh mah deer Laurd - I think ah'm gonna faints...

What else??

Furnichure, kitchen applianses,  sportin' guuds - I GOTTA BRING MY VISA CARD!!!!

Oh Great Chicken, gives me tha strength to git thru this sale, and line every wall uv mah home with those plush lugs-zurees!!! 

Ah'm but a humble berd, an ah don't ask fer much - but if you could swing them stockin' up on discount booze before the doors close....


All right, heer ah go - Bus Pass - check. Expandible shoppin bag - check. Cattle prod charged - CHECK!!!

(Banjo Boy's VISA - check!!)

Cluck fer now - let the mayhem begin!!!!

Friday, February 06, 2015

The Old Soft Shoe

I have an old soft shoe. I believe it is formally called a "slipper".

Not sure why I only have one soft shoe, when I have two feet - but that could be explained by any number of possibilities in this place - science experiment, the dingo ate my slipper, plaid material evaporation, slipper thieves, misplacement, redeployment as a condiment storage container, emergency tea cozy, thrown "Fetch" toy for a dog that never returned with it, baby goat hat, added dietary fibre in a pinch when I couldn't get through a snowstorm to buy groceries - the list goes on.

Anything cold have happened to my old soft shoe...


Thursday, February 05, 2015

For Whom The Belt Toils

Nothing like the belly-expanding variety of holiday treats to set off a three-alarm warning on your belt buckle ever meeting the feeble notches (that are CLEARLY punched there in error). Even now, here in February, the effects are still felt, especially when I try to stuff my 12-pack into my pants every morning...

This is where you need something designed to deal with that temporary annual girth - like one of those snakes that you unfurl to slide down a blogged drain to clear it out. Why should belts get off easy, just being one size? I say add a little expansion capability, to ensure that after you've invested in the dang thing, it can still do the job after the Christmas baking season.

Inventors?? Anyone? Apple iBelt??

Come on people, step up, I can't do everything around here!!


Wednesday, February 04, 2015

The Thing Is...

...I really need to have a few post ideas in my noggin when I run behind, and can't afford the time to think something up.

I will work on that...



Tuesday, February 03, 2015

Nothing Big Today

As a matter of fact, it is very small..


Monday, February 02, 2015

Chicken Scratch

(posted by weekend guest blogger Charlie Chicken...)

Tha snow...oh, tha snow....

Bleak, blech...


Make it stop, O Great Chicken!

Bring back grass, an birds, an...

Hey, there's mah case a beer!


Whoo hoo!

Ah, wut's a lil snow among friends, eh???

See ya soon enuff, Spring...


Cluck fer now......

Sunday, February 01, 2015

In Today's Calgary Herald Blog: Danny Schmidt, Carrie Elkin & HOJA at the Calgary Folk Club...

A little late, but better later than never!!

My review of the terrific show at The Calgary Folk Club, Friday night.

Roots Americana singer/songwriters out of Austin, Texas Danny Schmidt & Carrie Elkin, along with the zesty and energetic acapella talents of Calgary's HOJA:



Oh, and a shot of when HOJA dragged me up on the stage...

and then proceeded to embarrass me :-)