Friday, February 21, 2014

Popeye - The Steroids Scandal....

Long a popular cartoon, you don't hear much about Popeye The Sailor Man anymore.

Recent reports indicate he may have voluntarily retired from the spotlight, to avoid the humiliation of a doping scandal...

While major league baseball has been the primary focus lately for steroid use, modern technology was likely not too far from determining that the nautical world had something to hide, under forearms larger than the average sailor's waist.

Strong to the finish, cause I eats me spinach? More likely something a bit more anabolic, Sailor Man...

Speculation, you say? How many windmill arm punches have you seen, without the benefit of robotics or an actual windmill?

Plus, the man is a chain smoker - that pipe never leaves his mouth! Is that the sort of health correlation we typically expect from bad behaviour, or is it supplemented performance perhaps????

Before this "gentleman" gets elected to the Seafarer's Hall Of Fame, these are all questions that need to be answered....



  1. Mrs That Dan Guy9:51 AM

    Ya, I always suspected something was off. Popeye...busted... Sad to see that big old sailor fall from grace.

  2. Bad enough he suffers from Jay Leno Chin...
